Each Activator Jewelry™ piece is hand crafted with love and intention for you to clarify & amplify your perception!

***New! Goddess Halos are size adjustable as they are open in the back. Buy one for yourself and one for a friend!***

  • Each band is copper and serves as a conductor for the energy.
  • Bead color and gemstones are chosen based on the energies that you are working with. I will intuit what beads/gems to use based on the intention you share with me.
  • Individual orders will be taken to account for your head size and desired design.
  • The pictures you see below are templates. Each halo is unique and you will not receive an exact match to what you see below.
  • Some designs are meant to wear two ways- one as a halo to activate your third eye and one as a crown or tiara.
  • Men can wear these too!

The Activator Halo™ pictured on the left is the Aleyawah Swirl™.

Aleyawah is Gaia’s ascended self.

She will help you with your ascension as you work with Gaia.

This halo is for those who work with purifying and protecting Gaia.

If you prefer, you can order the Aleyawah Swirl™ necklace! $133 includes Shipping in the U.S. Orders outside the U.S. will pay extra for shipping.  The picture shows the thicker chain. You can request a more delicate chain. In the referral box as you check out, please write “delicate chain” or “thick chain” to indicate your preference. The necklace is designed for ease of use if your are right-handed or left-handed, as there is a clasp on each side. *Please note, on rare occasions, the copper chain will dull because of a reaction with your skin. It cannot be restored to its original color. The wire, however, can be shined. Gold-plated necklaces are available with a processing time of up to 1 month.

$133 Copper necklace

$199 Gold-plated copper necklace

Please submit any questions in the contact box below.

 HALO ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: To order, you will submit your payment below. You will then send me an email at [email protected] with the subject line “HALO”. In the body of the email, you will tell me your intention that you want programmed into your halo and your head measurements. [To measure your head, use a measuring tape to wrap around your entire head, starting 2 inches above where your head meets your neck and crossing where you want the halo to rest on your forehead.] I will craft your halo, ship it you, and you will then submit the shipping payment (free inside continental U.S.).

Silver halos are available upon special request. Please allow a full month to process your order as these supplies are specially ordered.

Gold-plated halos also require at least a 1 month wait time as they are sent out to be gold-plated. If you are not able to wait this long, please choose a copper halo.

Unconditional Love Swirl

Speak your Truth: 5 Loop

Speak your Truth: 7 Loop

Speak your Truth: Tiara

Speak your Truth: 3 Loop

Galactic Antenna

Waves of Peace

Awakened DNA

Lightworker Bridge

Spirit's Guidance

Queen of Heaven

Kundalini Rising

Tierra Healing

DNA Activator

Lymphatic Flow

Shaman Goddess

Shaman Goddess

The Supreme Nurturer

Goddess Love

The Energy Processor

How to wear your Activator Halo:

Some designs can be worn two ways- as a halo or as a tiara. The swirl designs are meant to be worn over the third eye or other comfortable position. Goddess halos may be worn over the hair or placed on top of the head and your hair is threaded through the halo so that it sits on top. Do NOT treat the halo like a headband- it will NOT snap back into place.

Copper conducts everything, so it is helpful to wear with the intention that only the frequencies aligned for your Highest and Best Good are conducted. The frequencies can be very powerful. Start out by wearing your halo 15 minutes at a time to allow your system to adjust to the new energies. If you experience a headache, light-headedness, or other uncomfortable sensations, remove the halo and wear it for lesser amounts of time until you adjust. You may experience enhanced sensation during times of powerful energetic alignments, such as full moons, equinoxes, solstices, eclipses, etc… *By purchasing and wearing your halo, you agree to release Susie Beiler and Spectrum Health Consulting LLC from any liability associated with wearing your halo.

How to care for your halo:

Once you mold the halo to your head to your comfort, do not bend further. To clean, use a solution of lime juice and sea salt. This solution should only be applied to the copper wiring, not the beads. The halo does not need to be shiny in order to be effective. This solution works if you like the shiny appearance. You can also use a jewelry cloth to polish the copper.

Send me your headshot!

If you would like to appear on my website, please email me your headshot with your Activator Halo. [email protected]

Have a Halo Question? Ask it here!

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