Continue the 4th Inspired Action Step from the “Create your Miracle: Be Who you Didn’t Know you Could Be” mini book:
Declare in present time:
Take the sentence you wrote in your Inspired Action Step and take it up a notch. What if the universe wants to give you something even better than what you have declared for yourself? Declare something even more amazing for yourself, something that seems slightly out of reach and that would truly feel miraculous for you to have in your life. Your soul knows what you are worthy of having, even when your mind does not. Go ahead, take a risk. Dream bigger than you have previously dared!
Give gratitude to yourself for allowing yourself to dream bigger and be bigger. Breathe gratitude into your body and back out into the universe for all that you currently have in your life and for the miracle you are creating right now. Thank your soul or what it knows and for communicating with you. Even if you do not feel it strongly now, your soul is speaking to you. Acknowledge that this is so, even if you do not understand the message at this time.